NIK Test


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Weight 0 lbs
Country of Manufacture United States
For the presumptive identification of Methaqualone (Quaaludes, Sopor Somnafac, Opitimil and Parest are the trade names).
For the presumptive identification of Methaqualone (Quaaludes, Sopor Somnafac, Opitimil and Parest are the trade names).
Test Type SKU UPC
T (Ketamine) NIK-800-6091 844272001033
M (Methaqualone) NIK-800-6082 844272000876
B (General) NIK-800-6072 844272001521
P (Propoxyphene) NIK-800-6084 844272032396
I (PMA/Ketamine) NIK-800-6089 844272000135
D (LSD) NIK-800-6074 844272000159
C (Barbiturates) NIK-800-6073 844272000067
L (Heroin) NIK-800-6081 844272000739
K (Opiates) NIK-800-6080 844272000074
O (GHB) NIK-800-6090 844272024605
J (PCP) NIK-800-6079 844272000623
A (General) NIK-800-6071 844272000142
S (Marijuana) NIK-800-6092 844272002269
Q (Ephedrine) NIK-800-6085 844272000821
W (Amphetamines) NIK-800-6088 844272033188
U (Methamphetamine) NIK-800-6087 844272000722
F (Acid Neutralizer) NIK-800-6076 844272000166
G (Cocaine) NIK-800-6077 844272000173
H (Methadone) NIK-800-6078 844272000838
V (Talwin) NIK-800-6093 844272002498
R (Rohypnol) NIK-800-6086 844272032402
N (Pentazocine) NIK-800-6083 844272032389
E (Marijuana) NIK-800-6075 844272000944
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Weight 0.000000
Country of Manufacture United States